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Wednesday, February 3, 2010


What moves you? Personally I have a hidden passion to act. It's been a while since I actually had a role in something where I had lines to remember and things to do. I think the last time I acted was in high school. I told myself I'd audition for 2 plays. One at my current high school and one at my former high school where I spend 2 years. I had such a passion that I prepared for my monologues and songs (they were both musicals) and auditioned. I thought I would have enough time for both IF I got the parts for both but I didn't count on it.

I got a main part in the one at my former and a supporting role and backstage tech (I knew how things operated already) so I dropped the one with the main part. I ended up doing sound tech for the one at my former and running around moving sets and props for the one I was in.

I've always been extremely torn between whether I like the Tech or the Acting. I know I need to lean in one direction but which? I don't think anyone I've met over these past few years has actually seen me act. I got bit by the bug early in life, and I need to do something about it.

Someone help me with my passion :)

I wish I lived closer

I wish I lived closer to LA. There's so much opportunity out there and I try to do as much as I can out here in the Valley but it's hard to do anything major because of the distance. Also, it would be great if Disney paid more, hah. Working 3 days a week is insane, especially since most of the shift just pays for gas.

Ever wonder why you can't do something? Some say the only thing that limits you is your imagination...But I say nay. It can be a lot more than that. Who knows...maybe I have a future in this Youtube thing. I always love to help out, but maybe someday it'll pay the bills, ha.

Soisoisoi, Later.